Making Memes Out of My Childhood Pictures


Hello everyone! I hope you are all doing well, and that you're having a good January 💕

Now, if it wasn't obvious by my lack of posts on here, I haven't felt super inspired to be creating, lately. But... A few days ago, I was scrolling through my news feed, and I came across an article full of some really funny memes. And at the moment I didn't think much of it...until, me and my sisters were going through old pictures, and I thought: "Hey...I bet I could make a blog post about turning my childhood pictures into memes!" And so here we are...

Me and my twin sister (Tony) made them through this Microsoft app (Meme Generator Suite) yesterday. And I think they turned out great!

In case you guys didn't know Tony likes to stay private online, so most of the pictures are of me and my older sister, Mckayla. But for the very few that Tony is in, I drew goofy faces and blurred her face in order to protect her privacy.

Now are you ready to see some cringy pictures and some silly memes? I hope so because God knows I am 😅

Date of the actual photo: 
April 23, 2017

This one seemed fitting to put first, lol 🙃

Date of the actual photo: 
March 27, 2016

Now...Why am I standing there, so awkwardly, smashing my toes in those adorable boots, with my teeth sticking out like a rabbit?


Honestly...I have no clue either.

Date of the actual photo: 
November 25, 2016

I mean who doesn't love Christmas, right?

Date of the actual photo: 
August 24, 2015

I love this picture of Mckayla! I think it's so funny. And honestly it's impressive that my Mom got a shot like that in the first place.

Date of the actual photo: 
August 24, 2015

When me and my sisters found this picture, we all immediately thought I looked like Frodo. So, this meme is pretty accurate...if I do say so myself. 

Date of the actual photo: 
February 3, 2019

I couldn't go about doing this blog post without including at least one picture of our family dog, Luna. She's just too adorable 💜

Date of the actual photo: 
August 28, 2016

This has to be the most memeable face out of any childhood picture I've seen ever! It's just too good 😂

Date of the actual photo: 
May 18, 2015

I think this might be one of my favorites out of all the memes we made. I mean I can't think of a more fitting quote for a picture of me holding a sword. 
And before you ask, I think we were posing with antique weapons that my Dad had gotten from his work, so it was completely safe...I think. 

Date of the actual photo: 
March 31, 2013

And here it is...One of the few memes with all three of us in it. Hence the silly drawn on face. This one is also one of my favorites 💙

Ta da! Well...That was certainly an experience...But I hope you guys found it entertaining and maybe even interesting to see me and my sisters when we were itty bitty. 
I had so much fun making and editing them with Tony <3 Who knows maybe we'll have to do it again 😉 And I hope to see you there if we do!

Have a great rest of your Wednesday, and I'll be seeing you next week!

What Do You Think Of Our Memes?
How Cringy Are Our Childhood Pictures?
Should We Do A Post Like This, Again?
What Is Your Favorite Meme Of The Ones That We Created?


  1. This was so funny! :D Made my day!

    1. Thank you, Yokoshi! I'm so happy that you enjoyed it <3 And that I could entertain you ;)

  2. These were hilarious! And some were even relatable, hehe... This is such a fun idea for a post! My favourite might be the fourth one. Even though I don't quite "get" the meme, I think McKayla's pose is top-notch!

    1. Thank you so much, Hividah 💕 I'm glad you liked them! And yes, that pose of Mckayla is truly hilarious 😂

  3. Hailey, these are hilarious! I never realized how meme-able we were lol

    1. Thanks, McKayla! And I know, right? 😅 They came out better than I could've expected

  4. Those are all incredible. I think the Xmas tree and sword are my top favs. Impressive!

    1. Hey! Glad to know you liked them <3 I had a feeling the sword one would be your favorite, lol


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