How Well Do You Know Star Wars? | The Ultimate May The 4th Holiday Special Quiz


Hello there! *wink, wink* How are you all doing today? Good, I hope :) I thought in order to celebrate this amazing franchise of films that is so near and dear to my heart, why not give you guys the ultimate test and see how knowledgeable you are when it comes to the Star Wars universe. Now, how this is going to work is I'm going to give you a list of ten questions, some questions will be multiple choice and others will be fill in the blanks. We'll start off easy but it will get progressively harder (hopefully, if I know how to do a good quiz properly). Also, each question you answer correctly earns you a point (which are each worth ten percent)  Are you ready? Let's go!

The correct answer will be at the end of the post so keep track of your answers and no cheating! That is if you can resist the power of the dark side 😏

Question #1

Which is Luke Skywalker?





Question #2

Finish the quote

"It is for me, ___. Look, I ain't in this for your _____ and I'm not in it for you, _____. I expect to be well paid. I'm in it for the money."

Question #3

What was Luke's first lightsaber?

A. Green

B. Blue

C. Purple

D. Yellow

E. Red

Question #4

Since the expense of the special effects were so costly, the costumes for the first film were very low budget

Is this True or False?

A. True

B. False

Question #5

Finish the quote...

"You will not ___ before ___. You'll turn."

Question #6

Finish the quote...

"Why, you ___ ___, __-____, scruffy looking __ ___!"

Question #7

What were Han Solo's parents' names?

A. Jonash and Jaina Solo

B. Maeve and John Solo

C. Aurelia and Cassian Solo

D. Winter and Stomeroni Solo

Question #8

Which is Jabba The Hutt?




Question #9

Who said the quote:
"Fear is the path to the dark side."

A.  Obi Wan Kenobi 

B. Mace Windu

C. Yoda

D. Anakin Skywalker

Question #10
The finally question *dun, dun, DUN!*

What movie was part of the inspiration behind Star Wars?

A. The Hidden Fortress (1958)

B. The Day The Earth Stood Still (1951)

C.  A Trip To The Moon (1902)

D. Planet Of The Apes (1968) *te he*

Extra Question 
(opinion based only, no points added or subtracted)

Which is the best Emperor?




Question #1:
The correct answer is... C

Question #2:
The correct answer is...

First blank: sister
Second blank: revolution
Third blank: princess

Spoken by Han Solo to Princess Leia in Star Wars: A New Hope

Question #3:
The correct answer is...


Question #4:
The correct answer is....

A. True!

Mark Hamill (Luke) tweeted on November 25, 2019:
"The pants I wore in the 1st film were just Levi bluejeans- bleached-out, with the back pockets removed. George called #StarWars "The most expensive low-budget movie ever made" & every penny spent had to show up on the screen. I think they started with my costume... #TrueStory"

Question #5:
The correct answer is...

First blank: bow
Second blank: Snoke

Spoken by Rey to Kylo Ren in Star Wars: The Last Jedi.

Question #6:
The correct answer is...

First blank: stuck
Second blank: up
Third blank: half
Fourth blank: witted
Fifth blank: Nerf
Sixth blank: herder

Spoken by Princess Leia to Han Solo in Star Wars: Emperor Strikes Back

Question #7:
The correct answer is....

Question #8:
The correct answer is....


Question #9:
The correct answer is...


Question #10:
The correct answer is...


Source: One of the big influences for the creation of Star Wars was the samurai movie The Hidden Fortress, according to George Lucas himself. Though there are obvious differences, such as the wildly different settings, there are a lot of similarities between the two, especially in the plot. 

This article above labeled 'source' is actually very interesting so if you like Star Wars and are at all curious about more of the small details of the making of the films, than I would highly suggest you check it out! It was quite thrilling.

Extra Question:
The correct answer is...


Congratulations! You've made it to the end of this quiz. I hope you guys enjoyed this post! I had so much fun making it <3 Let me know what your final score ended up being. And how you liked the quiz. I love you all so much ❤ And May the 4th be with you ☆🌠

What's Your Final Score On This Quiz?
Was This A Good Quiz?
Should I Do More Posts Like This?


  1. Star Wars!! I love it. Happy Revenge of the Fifth. ;) These were my guesses as I read.

    1. C.
    2. Wow, I should know this… “sweetheart”, “rebellion”, “sweetheart”?
    3. B.
    4. A.
    5. I love the quotes you’ve chosen because it’s making me realize I only talk about the same ones all the time and should branch out!: “You will not “bow” before “the emperor”. You’ll turn.”
    6. “Why, you “no good”, “ “, scruffy looking “nerf herder”!” Man, I can’t believe that I can’t remember the rest of it!!
    7. Wow, I do not know this at all! Um, A?
    8. This is hard because they are all so similar, lol. I’m guessing C?
    9. A??
    10. I don’t even know where to start! Um, A?

    Haha! For the extra, I’ve only recently started to see some clips of LEGO Star Wars and the Emperor is HILARIOUS. The writing in that show is brilliant.

    Man, I wasn’t even close with #2. XD
    ACK, why didn’t I realize #5 was with the sequels?? I feel like I’ve betrayed my favorites.
    Yeah, I knew nerf herder was right. XD We've learned that my weakness is the quotes.

    So all in all I got 6/10? Man, not even passing, lol. But so much fun!

    I would love another post like this!

    1. Yay! I'm so glad you liked it <3 And I will definitely make more posts like this :) Revenge of the Fifth! That is so smart! I've never heard of that before, did you come up with it?
      Don't be so hard on yourself. I think you did great! Plus, lots of these questions were very hard. I tried my best to make in challenging ;) Especially since I know lots of fellow bloggers or just viewers in general know Star Wars.

    2. Oh wow, "Revenge of the Fifth" is so clever! 😃 Honestly, I have not heard of that or "May the Fourth be with you" until this year... Heh, I haven't seen much of Star Wars, but I at least know the essentials! 🙃

    3. I know, right? I thought so too!

  2. Hm, let's see if I can do this (I wrote this comment as I was reading through)...

    1) Definitely C.
    2) Oh dear, I'm terrible with quotes... my mind is blank on this one.
    3) A. Or was it B...?
    4) A.
    5) You will not "die" before "me." You'll Turn. Maaaaybe?
    6) Probably some funny insult. I don't know. I assume it's something Han Solo said though. ;-)
    7) Oh dear, um... I'll pick... C.
    8) Aren't they all Jabba the Hut? Are there different ones?! Then I'll go for... C.
    9) Oh no, um... It's either A or C. I'll go for A.
    10) I only know Planet of the Apes of those options. So I'll randomly guess C.

    Extra) Um. Neither? I'm not a Lego fan, and I recall the person-like one to be really bad (obviously). I didn't mind when "The Emperor of the Universe" died. 😶

    Okay, let's see how I did. Geez, I guessed the letter 'C' a lot!
    Oh, haha! I failed miserably on question 5! 😂
    (For question 6) Darn. I was right about it involving Han Solo though!
    I'll trust your judgement for the extra question. 😅

    Okay, so I got 3.5/10, or 36% (I gave myself an extra 1% for effort on question 5).
    Thanks for making this quiz, Hailey! It was very enjoyable, even though I got a low score. But it's all about having fun and trying! 😉

    1. Yay! I'm so glad you liked it <3 I loved reading your thoughts as you went through the quiz, lol. I think you did amazing, considering you haven't seen much of Star Wars. Very impressive! And I have to say I totally agree with you on the whole real Emperor dying thing. I very much dislike his character. But in the Lego version he was surprisingly very funny. Then again all the characters were over dramatic and comedic like in that version. I would highly recommend looking up some clips, if you're interested.

  3. Tjis was so fun. I got 10 right but I totally had to guess at Han's parents names.

    1. Eep! I'm so glad you liked it! I knew I had to make the quiz somewhat tricky, considering I knew you would give it a try. Also way to go on your 100% score, that's very impressive!


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