I'm Back!


Hello. Gosh, it's been a while... I just want to start by saying I missed you guys and I'm very excited to be back to blogging ❤ So without further ado, let's talk about what's been going on for the past month or so. 

Long story short, back in March I decided to take a short break from posting, since me and my family were going on a mini vacation to visit some friends, but after returning from that I noticed, in a way, I was very unenthusiastic about returning to posting regularly. And the more I thought about it, the more I realized how much pressure and stress I was putting on myself to get posts out on time, and how this fun hobby was slowly turning into dreaded work. Don't get me wrong, I love blogging! But not the way I was doing it. I want it to be something fun and carefree, not stressful and overwhelming. After that sort of, moment of realization; I came to the decision to take a much needed, real break. And not come back till I was truly ready. (Gosh, this is so dramatic! Soon enough we'll be on the road to apology videos 😅) So after about a month, I would, almost everyday, think the sentence 'That would be a good blog post!' Or be watching some content creator making a DITL and it would make me think of my own creative liberties and what new things I could come up with or do. That's when I knew...It was time to come back, new and improved (hopefully 🙃)

I'm sure it's still going to be hard for me to not put that weight on my shoulders, even now that I've changed my mind set.  But I'm hopeful that if I let go of my schedule or even just give myself lots more wiggle room, then maybe I won't be so hard on myself. Unfortunately, that might mean less frequent posts, so fingers crossed you guys are alright with that. It might be a bit chaotic and random while I'm still figuring things out, but I will try my very best to keep you guys updated on as much as I can. I'm really (truly!) excited for all the fun new content I have planned, and I think you guys will be too 😉 Thank you for always being so supportive and loving. You never fail to bring a smile to my face when I see your comments 💕

It's a new and crazy chapter

And I don't know about you...

But I am so ready for it.


  1. I missed seeing your posts, I'm glad you're back. :)

    1. Aww <3 Thanks Quinley! It feels good to be back :)

  2. Hello Hailey! Welcome back! 😉
    This a valuable message which I could very much relate to. It makes me happy to hear that you decided to take a break and return with a new and more relaxed plan. Blogging, or any hobby really, should be something fun and relaxing, not a task with a deadline. That's something I still struggle with myself, but your post has inspired me to continue working on "letting go" and truly taking my time on things. A good friend once told me how it's important to value "quality over quantity." 🙂
    I am looking forward to reading your future posts! ❤️

    1. Hello Hividah ❤️ Thank you so much 🥰 I'm so happy I inspired you! Though I am sad that so many of us struggle with this, I'm glad that we're able to help each other out 😊
      When I read quality over quantity, I legit thought you read my mind 😅 Because I was thinking about including that quote at the end of my post, but after editing decided not to. What a strange coincidence!

    2. That is a funny coincidence indeed! 😊😉

  3. Welcome Back Hailey! So Good to hear from you again. Taking breaks are always good I'm Taking a break form writing My first book review Then Again I Don't Know how to do a Book Review...Well, I Can't Wait to Read you Awesome New Posts! <3 :)

    1. Hello, Louise! Like I said, it feels good to be back 🙂 And also thank you for your kind words and encouragement ❤️ I myself am not completely sure how to do reviews for my blog posts either, but in the end as long as you're proud of the content you put out, that's all that truly matters. I can't wait to see your review, if you do decide to publish it, that is.

  4. Blogging should be fun not boring! I understand as I also have the same problem!

    1. I agree 💯 It's good to see that other bloggers share the same thoughts!


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