Kiss, Marry, Kill | Video Collab!

Hello everyone! Welcome back to The Girl Behind The Camera! So I filmed this super awesome video (if I do say so myself πŸ˜…) with Mckayla at Tales of a Triple Threat. Please go check her out if you haven't already! She's amazing ❤ I hope you guys like the video :) It took forever for me to edit, lol. But it was fun! Let me know what you think about it down in the comments! And I will see you guys next blog post, Bye!

What Do You Think Of The Video?
How Is Your Day Going?


  1. I loved listening to both your answers. :) I like the comments McKayla made about R2-D2, it would be very hard to kill a robot. ;)

    1. Thank you Quinley πŸ₯° I'm glad you enjoyed it! And yes I agree, I imagine it would be hard πŸ˜… Especially a robot as strong and old as R2D2


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