Honestea Tag!


Hello buddies! So as the title says today I will be doing the Honestea Tag! Thank you Mckayla for tagging me! I'm not quite sure who the original creator of this tag is, but if any of you guys know. You can tell me down in the comments :) Now time to go over some rules! P.S. I just copy pasted the rules from Mckayla's blog. That's not considered stealing right? I'm very new to doing tags. So if I did something wrong please let me know, nicely preferably πŸ˜… 


- No lies allowed. But you can use GIF's if your answers are to shameful ;)

- There are optional bonus questions but they're not for the faint of heart.

- If you complete the tag having answered every question + the bonus additions (no GIF's used) you are dubbed a certified tea chugger, and you deserve a badge to show the world that you are not afraid of a steaming hot cup of TRUTH. 

- Tag at least one other person. Untagged persons are more than likely to fill it out as well. 

Now let's get started with the tag!

What is a "bad" or generally disliked movie that most people hate but you love?

Well I can't really think of any movies but I do like the show Riverdale. Although it has gotten really strange πŸ˜… It's still a good show but it was much better in the earlier seasons.

Riverdale GIF I know we get extra points if we don't use GIF's but I just had to!

What is your most shocking reading habit?

Honestly I don't really think I have any reading habits. And I promise I'm not lying! I used to dog ear pages all the time but now I just use bookmarks. So I guess I "technically" did have a reading habit.

Tell us the worst character name you ever thought up? (bonus: share a character name you find ridiculous in a book/movie)?

Honestly I have no idea πŸ˜…

What is the real reason you procrastinate writing?

Well I don't do writing as a hobby so I don't know if for this question my answer will really count but I guess when I have to work on a blog post (which is technically writing) and am procrastinating writing it. It's usually because I'm either just being lazy πŸ˜… or I'm burnt out. So luckily it doesn't happen to often.

What is a genre of music  you secretly love?

Well there isn't really a genre of music that I secretly love. I'm very proud of my music taste ❤ So since I can't really answer that question. I will just tell you some of my favorite genre's. I really love 80's music (or just the 80's in general) especially rock or pop. And any song from Julie and the Phantoms.

If you're a plotter, what do you really think of pantsters? If you're a pantsters, what do you think of plotters?

Now I'm a bit ashamed to say this but i actually had to look up what this meant πŸ˜…

 And as I mentioned before I'm not a writer (besides writing for blog post to go with my pictures usually) But if I did do writing knowing me I would probably be a plotter.

Share it least three lines of dialogue from one of your first writing projects? (bonus: give us the good stuff. Your most gruesome butchering of the English language)

Now surprisingly (or maybe not) I did used to do writing when I was maybe ten? I was trying out hobbies and that was one of them. And somehow I ended up here πŸ˜… I did save a few documents on my old computer but I didn't transfer them to this one. I kinda assumed I would never need them again. So I can't really answer this question.

Tell us the title and artist of the last song you listened to?

Unsaid Emily by Charlie Gillespie 

Which beloved book/movie character do you dislike and why?

I don't know if he's a fan favorite but i'm not a huge fan of Ron Wesley. 
I just kinda always thought he was annoying, but I do see how he is important to the story. Even though I don't like him very much :)

Tell us the title and topic of a post you have left in draft

This was for my other blog Hailey's Joyful Dolls Ranking All of the GOTY AGAIN! I was going to do this as a tier list. And since we are on the 20th GOTY (I think?) I thought that would be a good idea. But I scratched it.

What is a book you pretend you've read/would like to read but know you never will?

Well I've never read any of the LOTR books or any of the Harry Potter books (Even though I've watched all the movies from both series) 

but I would like to read both (or one depending on how many I can get done) this year.

Tell us a title and topic of the most embarrassing post you've ever written (bonus: include the link)

 Probably this one New Haircut! it's a post from my other blog. It's not that the blog post it self was embarrassing it's just the pictures that seem kinda embarrassing. I just really don't like the way I did my makeup last year (at least in July) 

And that was the finally question! Again thank you to Mckayla for tagging me! I don't really have anyone I can tag who hasn't already been tagged. Sorry πŸ˜• But anyone who would like to do this for their blog is welcome to :) Anyway I hope you guys enjoyed this blog! And I will see you guys next post ;) Bye!

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